

True to his namesake bestowed on him by his mother, Ahldtrach has been enthralled by the winged beasts for as long as he could remember. With a fanged grin, he will talk off anyone's ear about dragons, and how he might be related to them (spoiler: he isn't).

Ahldtrach encountering Rathalos

Fight Club

Ahldtrach is a very proud season champion (and pit champion, for a time) at the Dark Crimson Tavern. He can be found at the Scrapyard enjoying the fun fights, folks, and food. He is bound to brush shoulders with other avid fighters one way or another.

Monster Hunter

Ahldtrach makes the majority of his living off of beast-culling assignments, and would welcome anyone who wants to join him in seeking out his mark - so long as he gets enough of the reward money. However, no matter how high the gil compensation is, he would not hunt a dragon.

Ahldtrach perusing hunt bills on a public board


Ahldtrach takes on plenty of work at his free company, the ACE, including working as a server at their restaurant venue, where his boss's open grill performance caters to both Hingan and Lominsan tastes.

Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy

Ahldtrach is usually roaming around - the docks, the taverns, the bars - looking to meet-up, flirt, and perhaps spend the night with someone. Although he seems to have his mind in the gutter and often chats about physical encounters, there's something more to his interactions... which leads to the next hook.

Always the Bridesmaid

Ahldtrach has lost count of how many bonding ceremonies he has attended, and so he wonders if someday, he will attain that kind of happiness with the right person under the light of the Twelve.

Bully for You

Having fallen in with the wrong crowd in his youth, Ahldtrach had picked on others who appeared weak. Having been humbled by certain events, he has changed a lot since then, for the better. Would he meet someone he has wronged and have a chance to make up for it?

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