
Name: Ahldtrach Ybolgundsyn (ALD-track ee-BULL-gund-sin)
Translated Name: Old Dragon, Son of Enraged Wave
Also Known As: Ahld
Age: 23 summers (years)
Race/Clan: Roegadyn, Sea Wolf
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual, male preference
Relationship Status: Multiple lovers, looking for bonding partner

Nameday: 10th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Religion: The Twelve, with a lean towards Llymlaen the Navigator
Patron Deity: Menphina, the Lover

Current Residence: The Mist, apartment
Family: Ybolgund (father), Skoengeim Trachynzantwyn (mother), Guolgoht Ybolgundsyn (brother)
Chocobo: Soemrstyrm (wine red plumage)
Pets: Lil' Mate (chocobo chick), Salty (grip killifish)

Hair: Short spiked midnight blue hair, with cornrows on right side, beard
Eyes: Steel blue
Height: 7 fulms 6 ilms (7'6")
Build: Muscular, smooth
Distinguishing Marks: Fangs, scars on both cheeks, tattoo under left eye, scars on chest, left shoulder, and back. Visual Scar Reference

Traits: Friendly, loud, easygoing, optimistic, energetic, loyal, curious, hasty, reckless, stubborn, gullible, naïve


Description: Husky, booming, enthusiastically delivered with a Lominsan accent.
Voice Claim: Liam McIntyre
Examples: Combat, Serious
Video Examples: Cheerful, Flirty (below)

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