NOTE: This is meant to be supplementary material as a result of my notes, composed of both events I have already established and events that have occurred in RPs with other people. I don't expect anyone to read this before sending posts, if at all. With that being said, if you are genuinely curious about Ahldtrach's past and have some free time on your hands, have at it!
Ahldtrach was born to two Sea Wolves, Ybolgund and Skoengeim Trachynzantwyn, in their family home in Lower La Noscea, a stone’s throw from Candlekeep Quay. Continuing the tradition of using dragon-related names, his mother gave him the name Ahldtrach, meaning “old dragon”, as when he was born, he had a predisposition to being silent as he slumbered, not unlike an ancient wyrm. A summer later, his brother Guolgoht was born, named by their father after the Gods’ Grip near their home.
Fangs began to emerge alongside his growing teeth, and Ahldtrach asked his mother why other Sea Wolf children didn’t have them. Skoengeim explained that her family came from a line of dragons a very long time ago, hence why her relatives maintained the tradition of giving names that provoke dragon-like imagery. Then, she softly laughed. However, Ahldtrach was a gullible young lad and took this story to heart, finding a kinship with the mythical winged creatures.
As he grew up and played with the other kids in the area, Ahldtrach found out that some others could perform some tricks with their aether. It was nothing incredible, simply acts of channeling aether to create floating orbs that mimicked the fireflies that floated by the peninsula cliff. The lad was eager to do the same, but found he couldn’t even produce a glowing speck, and was ridiculed by the other children. He went home to see if Guolgoht could produce the “aether-flies”, as he called them, and was furious that his younger brother could do what he couldn’t.
When approximately seven summers have passed for Ahldtrach, he had gotten fed up from the remarks from the other kids about his aether aptitude. His father had started a new job as a shipwright labourer at the Moraby Drydocks and invited his sons to join him and watch, however, Ahldtrach refused: not only did it sound boring as hells, he was also in a bitter mood and didn’t feel like going. He spent the day sitting in the grassy fields, watching a lone jackal drink from the Empty Heart pond, when suddenly an idea had struck. He seeked out one of his mother’s spare tomahawks from their home and dragged it out towards the feral beast, and began to swing it. The jackal, with more experience in the game of predator and prey, leapt onto the young lad and started swiping at his face with its sharp talons. Ahldtrach thought his life was about to end right then and there, until by the Twelve’s grace, his father and brother returned home early after Guolgoht complained of being tired. The jackal was spooked by the incoming Sea Wolves and ran off, leaving Ahldtrach laying in the dirt with bloody gashes on his cheeks. He was brought back to their home to be nursed back to health, as well as to be scolded by Ybolgund. His mother came home, weary from a mercenary job, and at the sight of her son’s injuries as a result of his foolishness, she had some choice words to say as well. Though her voice was soft-spoken compared to her husband, her words cut through Ahldtrach’s heart more deeply. However, after she had calmed down, Skoengeim rested a hand on her son’s shoulder.
“Ye can train ta be stronger. But promise me this, ye will only train with me ‘til ye come o’ age.”
Ahldtrach nodded, realizing the scars on his face will never disappear, and will forever remind him to become even stronger, without falling to stupidity.
Ahldtrach grew up, focusing more on his physical strength than his aetherial one, as the latter was one he had already given up hope on. Every chance he could have with Skoengeim, he sparred with her, training under her worldly expertise. He strived to learn just about every weapon his mother knew about. He began to impress the other children, winning back their support. He felt invincible, and the feeling was only compounded when his brother shied away from the activities he enjoyed in order to help their father on whatever manual labour he had decided to pick up. As of late, Ybolgund used some vegetable scraps from their meals to start a tiny, homegrown garden, and that was where Guolgoht focused his efforts. When Guolgoht refused to join him in his rowdy bouts, Ahldtrach picked on him for being weak.
The lad wanted to expand his horizons, and visited Moraby Drydocks, not to try shipwright work as his father did, but to meet the sailors and seafarers that arrived and departed there. Ahldtrach loved to hear their stories of mighty adventurers, not unlike his dear mother, and he wholly loved cavorting with them, learning about how they made their living as they sailed the vast sea. They even let him handle a harpoon, one that they used to fish with, and he found it to be a capable arm to wield. He invited his brother to come along some more, and again, Guolgoht said nay, despite this leading to him being mocked endlessly by his brother for choosing not to have fun. Ahldtrach began to call him Ghoulie, as he seemed to disappear like a ghost whenever he wanted to invite him out to see his friends.
The Calamity
Then, after his seventeenth summer had passed, the sky roared with crimson light in the middle of the day. The Seventh Umbral Calamity had fallen upon Eorzea, and Dalamud shards began raining down upon the land. The sea by their country home swallowed the fragment of the moon in a stunning display of aether and saltwater, forming an impenetrable crystalline structure that marred the land. The land was also sundered, a massive crevice dividing the peninsula from the rest of La Noscea. There was no way back to Limsa Lominsa, and no way for the city to reach them.
Ahldtrach stared incredulously at his father, who tried to remain calm with his sons, and yelled at him for not going out there to find their mother. He bellowed back, ordering him to stay, because who in all seven hells knew what was happening out there, and more importantly, if it was safe. Not wishing to sit around a moment longer, Ahldtrach ran out the door, ignoring his father’s and brother’s pleas, and sprinted towards Limsa Lominsa, only to see Skoengeim in the distance, limping on the path towards their home. She screamed at him to turn around, and he did with bewildered obedience. When everyone was gathered behind the front door, his mother sobbed and hugged her sons, relieved that they were hale and whole.
The restoration effort began to join their region of Lower La Noscea to the rest of Vylbrand. The bridge, later to be known as Oschon’s Embrace, needed all the hands it could get, and Ybolgund and Guolgoht were only too eager to offer theirs. Ahldtrach, on the other hand, watched as his mother took a temporary absence from bounty hunting to recover from her leg wound, and it encouraged him more than ever to become stronger in the face of a catastrophe such as the Calamity. Skoengeim could see the dragonfire in his spirit, and knows that it is time for her son to start his journey.
“Yer ready, me lil’ dragon.”
Ghoulie I
The moment Limsa Lominsa could be reached from his house, Ahldtrach heads to the Marauders Guild and demands to sign up. He comes home with an axe he could truly call his own, and begins to train, day in and day out. The Roegadyn begins to have dreams of the adventures he could have, sailing the seas of Eitherys, fending off formidable foes, and perhaps, to see a dragon with his own two eyes. He exclaims all of this to Guolgoht, imagining his younger brother to follow him on this grand quest and become a fellow axeman.
Instead, he finally hears what his brother truly desired: to become a healer in the conjury arts. Ahldtrach felt enraged, recalling the envy he experienced so long ago at his brother’s aetherial capabilities compared to his own, and he lashes out at him the only way he knew how: by ridiculing him. The kind of company he began to hang out with in the guild had similar opinions: mages are weak, and marauders are strong. Ahldtrach, only concerned with honing his strength to overlook his middling aether abilities, made this his absolute truth.
Then Guolgoht was gone. One night, he was there, smiling with the rest of his family during dinner. Then, before daybreak, he had departed. A short note was left behind, saying nothing but his intent to leave for Gridania to study conjury. Ahldtrach immediately felt regretful for his actions, and though it haunted him for days and nights, he could not do a thing from where he was, not without following his brother to Gridania. But it was too soon for Ahldtrach to face him, much too soon. Ghoulie had truly become a ghost, and Ahldtrach wanted nothing more than to pay him no further mind.
Ahldtrach coasted through the year, hunting with his marauding squad, and fishing with his sailing mates, and yet he felt something was missing. It was only after a particularly difficult hunt that one of the marauders suggested they celebrate in a different way: by attending a pleasure house. Ahldtrach was more than excited to experience this, and saw a wide variety of lasses to appease him. He remained indecisive, however, and ended up going with the first Miqo’te lady to approach him. On the way into one of the establishment’s rooms, they came upon a couple finishing up, among them a Hellsguard man with striking, golden eyes, one Ahldtrach could not pull his eyes away from. The burly patron brushed past him without another glance, and it left the Sea Wolf in a distracted way. The Miqo’te had taken note of his disposition, of course, and whispered to him that the Hellsguard not only purchased their services, but offered his own as well. Ahldtrach pretended to not understand her words as he unbuckled his britches.
After he left the brothel, he passed a narrow alleyway where a familiar, hulking figure leaned against the wall. Ahldtrach slowly approaches, trying to appear unfazed by the Hellsguard’s charms, but the man could see past his mask. Ahldtrach found himself sinking into his beautiful eyes, until he found his voice to request him for the night, at which point, the man agreed, taking him to his residence in the Mists.
Ahldtrach did not know much about the Hellsguard, only that his equipment consisted of a sword and shield, likely to have hailed from Ul’dah. His speech was refined, almost like a nobleman’s, and his muscles emboldened him in more ways than one. The two Roegadyn sparred, and shared many a rainy night at the Hellsguard’s abode, however, Ahldtrach’s persistent questions regarding the man’s origins were never answered. His past remained a dark mystery to the Sea Wolf.
Then, Ahldtrach never saw the man again. He kept returning to the man’s empty house, to that fated alleyway, to the brothels and the taverns, and any place he could think of in La Noscea where there was the slimmest of chances he could see those eyes once more, but the Hellsguard had simply disappeared without a trace. Heartbroken, the Sea Wolf could not figure out why no word was left of where he had planned to go. Again, he had lost another dear person in his life, although unlike the case with his brother, he didn’t know where he went wrong.
Perhaps, if he journeyed eastward to Ul’dah…
The young Sea Wolf continued to train his axe and harpoon skills until around his nineteenth summer, when he bid farewell to his parents and to Vylbrand’s shores. Ahldtrach looked forward to the next phase of his journey, to see the world in all of its splendour, and to partake in its many thrills and treasures.
As a means of getting around, Ahldtrach would seek out ships docked at the ports and offer his labour in exchange for travel. He meets many folks like this, chatting about their lives while helping the crew out with nautical duties. Once his destination is reached, he is off once again, finding vessels in need of help. When night falls, he finds it all too easy to drop by a tavern to meet more sailors and hook up.
Ahldtrach was naturally drawn to the fight clubs further inland, where he could watch fighters, seasoned and not, take their bouts to the ring. Each person had their own fighting style, their own favoured weapon, and he couldn’t help but go out and purchase any new weapon that caught his eye.
Ul’dah was an easy choice due to the Coliseum, not to mention the wealth that it boasted to sustain its lavish lifestyles. Though Ahldtrach did find the fight clubs and brothels to be time and gil well spent, he never crossed paths with the Hellsguard man he longed to see.
Inside a fight cage, he witnessed a samurai, a swordsperson from the Far East, and was smitten by the elegance of the blade’s movements. His merchant sailor mates told him about Kugane and its masterful sword wielders, and it spurred him to travel to the Far East to see this for himself. The Roegadyn set sail towards Hingashi, where the famous port city of Kugane stood.
The city was unfamiliar, and Ahldtrach certainly experienced a sense of culture shock. Disorientated and hungry, he stumbles across a pleasant aroma from a restaurant nearby, and walks in. To his surprise, a Lominsan Sea Wolf stood at the helm of the open kitchen, her Namazu-styled cooking performance on display for all patrons to see, and whatever she was making made Ahldtrach’s mouth water. This was the ACE restaurant, and it was where he felt at home and at ease, as they served both Hingan and Lominsan fare. After learning he was a traveler, she explained that the restaurant also functioned as an adventurer’s guild, and invited him to stay in the guest room, and perhaps pick up a job posting or two. Having gathered too many belongings that began to be cumbersome when staying at the inn, Ahldtrach was overjoyed at this proposition and agreed immediately to the offer, and thus became the newest member of the ACE free company.
Ghoulie II
Ahldtrach spent his time in bliss as he took on hunting jobs and aided his free company in a variety of ways, using the gil he earned to add to his weapon and armour collection whenever he spied a new, shiny thing to own.
One day, he showed up in Ul’dah, ready for his next job, a hunt for an adamantoise. However, from listening to the others in his party, it turned out he had mixed up the sheafs of paper, and that they were preparing an escort mission to Gridania to deliver a carriage full of potions to the Conjurer’s Guild. Ahldtrach’s normally cheery face fell, distraught. He needed the coin, and he had already shown up in the presence of his new friends, and so he couldn’t back out. Reluctantly, he goes along, making suggestions to take the longer road through Coerthas, if only to delay his arrival in Gridania. His wishes were granted, though the group was ambushed by Garlean magitek machinery, and they had risked the mission. However, the team had prevailed, and eventually reached Gridania, a little bruised and a little burnt, but still with a resounding success at protecting the payload of potions. Ahldtrach stood off to the side at the Conjurer’s Guild entrance, avoiding eye contact with anyone, even the person who rewarded him for completing the job, and rushed back as soon as he could to the Carline Canopy. To his concerned companions, the Sea Wolf was not his usual bright self.
There, he needed a drink, and joined by his worried free company members, and having downed several ales in his anguish, he broke down, recalling his brutality towards his younger brother, which had forced him to leave home with nothing but a terse note. Ahldtrach was then encouraged to sought Guolgoht out, and he resisted, feeling that he could not apologize enough for what he had done all those years, though in the end, he finally agreed to at least make an attempt.
The next day, Ahldtrach went to the Conjurer’s Guild and asked around for Guolgoht. He learned that though he was a student of the guild, he had decided to study outside of the building, and in the Twelveswood instead. Ahldtrach began a hunt for his brother, scouring the vast forests, and turned up with no trace of Guolgoht. He returned to the Carline Canopy, drinking in defeat, where eventually, his eyes laid on his brother, who intended to head to his usual inn room before being surprised by Ahldtrach’s thrilled outburst. With a nod at Mother Miounne, Guolgoht ushered his brother to the inn room, where they could talk without disturbing the other patrons.
Ahldtrach gave his apology, and though Guolgoht remained quiet through it all, it became clear that his younger brother harboured some regrets as well. He did want to travel with his older brother someday, but only after he had become fully confident in his healing abilities. Ahldtrach began asking him for forgiveness, for all the insults he rained on him for his choice for the arcane, and Guolgoht hesitated before making an uncharacteristic offer:
“Only if I get to punch ye in the face.”
Stunned, Ahldtrach realized how easy he was getting off of his mistakes, and agreed wholeheartedly to the deal. After that night, that was the first and only time Guolgoht ever punched him.
Having made up with his younger brother, Ahldtrach invited him to visit the Far East, and to see the free company he signed up with. Although Guolgoht found himself busy with his studies in conjury, and more recently, alchemy, he found the journey to be daunting. Still, he accepted Ahldtrach’s linkpearl so that they could continue to keep in touch, and perhaps they could do a hunt or two together, as axeman and healer.
Lil' Mate
It is another day, another job as Ahldtrach joined his free company friends on a mission to collect scrap metal from defunct magitek machinery in Western Thanalan. Along the way, the team scouted for signs of unwanted guests, and sure enough, there was rustling near the tall grass just by the rocky cliff. Ahldtrach decided to take the initiative and investigated the patch, and following a loud “kweh”, he discovered a baby Chocobo, still adorned with colours from the Immortal Flames. Ahldtrach was ecstatic to find the adorable little bird, and beckoned it into his hand, where it seemed it did not mind the Roegadyn’s rugged touch. Soon he gave it the temporary name “Lil’ Mate” as a way of addressing it as they went about their business.
Soon, the party was ambushed by Garleans, and against his or anyone else’s better judgment, he tucked it inside his shirt, wanting it to experience battle from the frontlines as he fought. The group was successful in their fending, and the chick remained unharmed, incredulously.
After the job, they went back to the free company lounge where they shared drinks, Lil’ Mate included. At this point, Ahldtrach was severely reluctant to return the Chocobo, and even tried to give it some mead to keep it sated. Fortunately, his fellow guildmates were there to stop him and offer him advice about infantile alcoholism, and Lil’ Mate received the fresh water it was meant to have.
Ahldtrach had become very fond of the Chocobo chick. On occasion, he could be seen bundling Lil’ Mate in his shirt as he carried on with his chores around the free company.
Dark Crimson Tavern
Ahldtrach heard around his free company that there is a fight club worth checking out. He seemed interested in it after hearing of a rather large gil prize for the victor, and even more so after finding that a fellow guildmate was crowned champion in a past season at the venue. Excited to show off his potential and to try one-upping the other person, he attended one of their fight nights. The energy in the place is contagious, the crowds of onlookers and cheerers neverending. He was hooked.
He tried, each and every time he could, to participate in the season tournament, in hopes of winning that gil and to show off to the other fighters of what he can do with his battleaxe. Ahldtrach maintained an impressive eight-win streak, but in the end, he did not come close to being crowned champion.
Another season began at the Dark Crimson, and again, he signed up, time and time again, bringing his best efforts to the ring. And this time, the gods smiled upon him, and bestowed him a chance to win the title, the money, and the glory. He fought his hardest as his guildmates and friends roared in support, and with a rather lucky suplex, he seized the victory, and was finally crowned that season's champion.
Ecstatic, Ahldtrach is overflowing with pride, and from then on, would barely hesitate before letting someone know that he is a renowned champion at the Dark Crimson Tavern. It can be imagined how much it had went to his head.
Finding himself a little aimless, Ahldtrach tries to find a goal to work towards. It then dawns on him - from the comforting, homecooked meals his father prepared for him in his early years, to the delicious Hingan cuisine that drew him to the ACE restaurant, food is the source of many pleasures in his life. That, combined with a love for brawling, it gave him an idea.
Ahldtrach began to tell the head of the ACE of his grand endeavour, asking for her tutorship, and with that, he starts his foray into cooking beyond fish soup. He first learns how to fry fish and chips, a must-have dish in his mind, though not without difficulty. Later, he takes on chicken dumplings, and manages to make a half-decent batch. Though his repertoire of dishes is limited, he tries his best to put quality over quantity.
In addition, Ahldtrach can now be seen working during the restaurant's open hours as a server and bartender. He is often the one greeting customers as they enter, giving him his biggest smile and doing his best to remember their usual drinks if they are regulars. As with any other new endeavour, he found many challenges to overcome in this new position, but in time, he becomes familiar with the role and looks forward to seeing folks arrive hungry and leave happy.
Present Day
What lies in store for Ahldtrach next?
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