Born to an ex-pirate and a mercenary in Lower La Noscea, it was no wonder Ahldtrach had a thrill for combat and excitement established at a young age. Asking questions about every weapon he could lay his eyes on was something he was known for around those parts. Ahldtrach made no hesitation to sign up for the Marauder’s Guild as soon as they will have him, as well as cavorting with local seamen to learn more about the adventurers they encountered from outside Limsa Lominsa, leading to the axe and the harpoon as his weapon of choice for the years to come.

Ahldtrach eventually bid farewell to Vylbrand’s shores to travel by ship to various sea ports in Eorzea, all the while improving his physical prowess as a warrior. In addition to his trusty axe and harpoon, he has collected an array of weapons, though more out of interest and vanity than to wield. He also spent many a night at taverns and brothels, partaking in whatever entertainment fits his fancy.

After hearing about the art of the Far Eastern blade, Ahldtrach sailed towards Hingashi, and was smitten by Kugane's numerous ports. On a stroll through one of the city’s bustling streets, he smelled something delicious cooking from a restaurant specializing in Namazu cooking, where he not only experienced his first Hingan meal, but also joined the ACE adventurer’s guild operated by the owner, a fellow Sea Wolf.

Since then, he has been taking job postings from the ACE as a means to make a living and to fuel his spending obsession. One such job is working at the restaurant itself, taking orders and serving drinks. He has also taken upon himself to pick up cooking, inspired by his father, his free company leader, and many others, though for what reason he has in devoting himself to this vocation, Ahldtrach keeps it under wraps except for a select few.

For a more lengthy and detailed account of his backstory, or to view his non-canon/Warrior of Light lore, visit the following pages.
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